So, CA continues to send me e-mails, and the last one announced the top 10 cigars.

Has nothing changed?

1. My Father - so Pepin Garcia has spent more on ads the last year?
2. RASS - token Cuban #1.
3. CAO Flathead V660 - I guess General still spends a lot on ads too?
4. the token Fuenté
5. the token Padron
6. Illusione something - Dion Gio... is still around, I see, making a very few cigars so that nobody can actually buy them, no doubt.
7. Edge Habano - Rocky is still around, I guess they have to give him something for his ad spending
8. An Ashton made by Fuenté
9. BBF - token Cuban #2
10. Liga Privada #9 - FINALLY something new. Drew Estates is now part of Swisher?

The only unusual thing is no Tatuaje, i.e., Pepin Garcia cigar #2. Other than that, this list could be five years old or more and still look the same.

(Yeah, I started smoking cigars again. Unfortunately, mass destruction from water damage - all the boxes at the bottom of one cooler were soaking wet ... )