Quote Originally Posted by webmost View Post
Great-Grandchildren. GGs are the benchmark.

I have three. Got a new GG Zeke this Father's Day, in fact. If you can achieve GGs, you feel as though you have loved, lived, lasted, and done your part.

Children teach you what you are here for. Grandchildren teach you what you have accomplished. Great-grandchildren teach you why you must be ready to step aside. My high ambition now is to last long enough to ride my Indian motorcycle out to Utah 21 years from now, share a cigar and a beer with little Zeke and his cousin Oliver, and beat them both in a game of handball. Then I'll be ready to step aside and let them have the place for themselves.

The picture upload here sucks donkey dongs... otherwise I'd show you pics.
This, my friend, was beautifully put! James - this post has my vote!

I raised my children and am now reaping the benefits of them being grown up (well,mostly... Two of my four kids still live with me - not a bad thing, but they are grown up fer cripes sake!). Two of my children had children - so I am blessed with grandchildren. Two of my grandkids live with me - and it is SO different interacting with them compared to the way I interacted with my children. It is very different than when I raising their parents - primarily because I so much enjoy grandkids being around! I find me doing things I never did with my kids - probably because when I raised my kids I was very wrapped up in gather my meager earnings just trying to keep the ship afloat! I'm not as cash strapped as when I was younger so I don't think that stress is there...

Great grandkids.... Well - I'd like to think I'm too young for that, but at least one of my grandkids is getting to an age that it may be a possibility. The wifey and I were talking about it - and your description of passing the torch is so true! I don't want my GG's memories to be about a grumpy old guy who sat in the corner babbling and farting... Not that I want to push it, but I do want to be young enough that I grow up with them and my GG's memories end with me and them drinking scotch, smoking cigars and talking about the "old days". A game of handball, though, might be a bit far fetched!