Quote Originally Posted by Mangyrat View Post
Any one else do yearly clean up of their PC?

When i say clean up i am talking 120 lb air presser to blow the dust out of it.

My gaming computer gets full of cat hair and cigar smoke fast due to the case design and all the fans i have going.
Last night i was playing Fallout 4 for a few hrs and the game locked up, so i started diagnosing the problem and saw my CPU cores were at 72c and video was at 82c.
The CPU was doing that speed steeping or what ever its called to save its self from frying.
Good thing i had a mild OC and did not disable all the features like i used to when it was under water.
30 minutes with a air compresses and i am back to 55c under full load on the the CPU and 70c on the GPU.

With all the cat hair and cigar smoke i blew out of the case i could have rolled a box of cigars and built a new cat.
One of my cats likes to sit next to the 230 mm side intake fan for some reason and just looks at the lights flashing behind the fan.
I guess i know why now, it pulls all the lose cat hair off her and sucks it in to the fans.
I usually pop my cases and blow them out with cans of compressed air every couple of months. I don't have cats and I quit smoking cigarettes and do not smoke cigars in my computer room (although that's where the humidor and guns live too!) so they only pick up normal dust these days. I find that doing so regularly prevents any real buildup of dust bunnies and/or crud.

Many years ago (say 18 or so) when I still ran my own computer business, I picked up a client at one of the business' I had a contract with. He saw me working on a PC there one day and mentioned he was having problems with his and would I have a look. He told me it would run great for a while and then would just randomly reboot. I showed up at his house with my tools and a couple cans of compressed air. He shooed his long haired cat off the top of the computer case and I opened it up. It was solid cat hair inside as you can imagine. The cat loved the warm spot and laid there all the time. They had I think 3 cats total if I remember correctly. I cleaned it out and left him with a can of compressed air and orders to blow it out every other week or so......he never had another problem...........lol