Needs? I need my usual, and I am piggybacking some on for a wedding in sept.
Ok. Here we go again. I have word on 3000s, londres, 35s and 80ths(maybe.) I can add whatever assuming we can get a whole box together. I can handle a few extra singles (10 mix n match) but not much more.
3000’s - $144.99 (box of 26)
Londres - $99.99 (box of 26)
26M ~ 35s $189.99 (box of 24)
6% sales tax
Rules:(Subject to change as needed.)
1. No asshats.
2. First come first serviced.(Not the way some of you might want.)
3. Since you have to pay before you get anything as long as you pass rule 1 you can play even if you're a newbie.
4. Shipping will be USPS Priority Mail with DC. I can be flexible on this if absolutely necessary.
Advice:(Subject to change as needed.)
1. Communication is everything.
2. If you don't think you can swing it this month then pass. Wait to play until you know you can do it within the rules. Your character is defined on how you act and follow through with your commitments. They're is always next time.
Participant Londres M Londres N 3000M 3000N 1926M #35 Cost + Tax Shipping Total Paid? DC AVAILABLE badwhale 3 42 65 $0 kingbeefy 13 13 6 $165.31 $10 $175.31 PAID 9405 5036 9930 0383 0897 90 CaptnBlues 10 10 $99.88 $15?? $114.88 PAID REC'D BHH 13 12 $177.54 $10 $187.54 PAID 9405 5036 9930 0383 0897 69 Edgeman 13 6 $127.19 $10 $137.19 PAID 9405 5036 9930 0383 0897 83