Quote Originally Posted by CptnBlues63 View Post
If memory serves me, there is a chat built into the forum. I just looked but couldn't find it so I'm wondering if that feature has been removed. If anybody knows whether it's still available or not, and could post a link to it if it is, I believe it would be the same chat as tapatalk. As in, if a guy logged into the chat with his PC, through the forum, while other's are connected via tapatalk, we would all end up in the same place.

I know I'd prefer to chat on the PC and I have a laptop AND I get an excellent wifi signal in my hunting trailer in the backyard. I hate trying to type on my smartphone...........LOL

I'd be up for Jan 3'd and will try, weather permitting, to get on next Tuesday. I found out yesterday morning the propane heater in my man cave doesn't run at -33 C (-27 F) It's too cold and the propane can't turn into a gas. I'm considering a "battery blanket" around the tank I'm using but would have to buy one. My fellow Canucks likely all know what a battery blanket is (Drew will, he only lives about 240 miles away in northern Alberta as well) and when/why you'd use one. My southern friends in the US, be happy you don't!

On the plus side, when it warmed up to -24 C (-11 F) the heater finally did run so I was able to have a cigar yesterday. For those of you who are "global warming" advocates, come visit me right now, we'll see how you feel about global warming after about 10 minutes outside..............
IIRC the original forum chat feature, from within a browser, has been removed due to spam/abuse of some sort. Someone correct me if I'm wrong here but I think we will have to continue to use Tapatalk for chat.

In the meantime I plan on showing up on Tapatalk chat this coming Tuesday 12-13-2016 @09:00 EST.