Quote Originally Posted by mrtr33 View Post
I thought Fight Club was written at about a 5th grade reading level. The subject matter may keep it from being used in that fashion, but that's what it looked like to me. That's what I was trying to say.

Does the Mark Twain Autobiography read the same way? I was hoping to dive into it once I find the box it's in.
I see what you mean. The movie confused the hell out of me the first two times I watched it so I didn't expect you to say that about the book. I might just have to see for myself. Some of his other books look interesting.

As for the Twain Auto., the actual autobiography is only about 250 pages. The first and last 300 pages of the book is basically a bunch of bullshit about how difficult it was to assimilate and edit everything. I'm sure it would appeal to someone on an academic level but I don't give a shit whatsoever. As for the autobiography, it goes from interesting and funny to boring and pointless and back in just a few pages. There is some gold in there but for a casual Twain fan such as myself, I can hardly call it a great book.