About a month ago I agreed to a trade with reganyouth84. It was more or less a blind fiver trade. I thought he was Ok.

As the story goes I send him my end. He said he had to go to the smoke shop and get my end. He PMs me back and says the shop closed early and he was not able to get em...first red flag. In the meantime my cigars are shipped in a timely manner and arrive safely. We exchange PMs and I ask when my end was comming and why it had not been shipped.

Well he replies...I ran short of money for school and have not bought your smokes.

To make a long story short I've been waiting for about three weeks and still no cigars. I have PMed him...no response. The last time he was on the board was 08/18/05.

The cigars are not the problem. I can get cigars anytime I need em. The problem is appearantly he is writing checks he can't cash or he is a scammer.

To the newbies...Don't make agreements that you can't keep your end of. Better to wait for the proper time to trade than to push it.

By the way...The cigar community is a good place. This is the first time I have had trouble with anyone over a cigar deal...But be carefull.