One morning a guy wakes up and heads for kithen. He stretches, yawns, and looking out the window, sees a gorilla in the tree in his yard. He gets out the yellow pages and looks up "gorilla catchers". Finding one, he calls him up and 1/2 an hour later, the van rolls up in the drive.

The guy goes outside to watch and the gorilla catcher goes to the back of the van, opens the doors and takes out a baseball bat, a pair of handcuffs, a pit bulldog, and a .357 magnum.

The guy turns to head back inside and the gorilla catcher says, "Hold on a sec, I'm short-handed today and could use your help." The guy says, "Sure, what do I gotta do?" The gorilla catcher explains, "It's a snap. I'm gonna take the baseball bat and go up and knock the gorilla out of the tree. When the gorilla hits the ground, the pit is trained to run up and bite him in the groin. When the gorilla grabs for his nuts, you slap the cuffs on 'im and that's it." The guy thinks for a moment and says, "I think I got it, but what's the gun for?" The gorilla catcher answers, "If the gorilla knocks me out of the tree, shoot that dog!"