You know, I'm really nothing more than a noob around here and noob to the entire inbred cigar community, but it's gotten to the point where I feel I need to speak my mind. Of course, I'll probably be banned for speaking, but c'est la vie.


Yes. You.

Manix says some things he shouldn't have said.

People whine that they'll bail if he's not banned.

Anyone that doesn't join the witch hunt gets bitched out.

Then some bicking about home states turns into a complete clusterfuck over in the Kinky for Governor thread.

Everyone's bitching out everyone else.

Arguments resort to outright namecalling.

Everyone starts posting popularity polls.

If I wanted to see this kind of behaviour, I'd visit my local elementary school.

It's one thing to discuss politics in a civilized manner. People do it all over. In fact, we even have a city dedicated to nothing but discussing politics. However, I'm quite sure I've never Sen. Clinton a "biatch".

Before you hit the reply button and whine that I should be banned because I said something you didn't particularly like, think about it. THAT is what I'm talking about.