Quote Originally Posted by joshua
Blah blah blah, you post more drama queen crap on this forum than cigar posts.

I go on club stogie and check your post history and I see you chasing CG around (the guy you originally pegged as scotty)

I don't care if anyone is behind me or not, I just want you to know that you have some major issues and any time someone points any of your faults out you attack them instead of adressing it. You are the one that has to live with being this way not me, so I'm not going to argue it with you as much as you would like that.

So glad to have you here pointing this stuff out. We weren't aware of it until you arrived. You have served your purpose, now move on...

If you'd quit posting all of these observations you'd have the chat room done by now... You're doing too much thinking, josh...