Quote Originally Posted by CoventryCat86 View Post
Where are you getting your quote "We'll sort this out quietly in pm" from? I never said that. If you have an issue with what HEX'S rules, conditions and policies are, then I would suggest that you take them up with him.
It is taken from the quote you posted of his. In it he states that the situation can be sorted out in PM so that we can avoid all of the drama. While that was all fine and good when the rule was originally posted it has now been a rule for long enough that anybody with multiple accounts should have already sorted this out. If not they need to hop on it quickly. People who may have created multiple accounts or continued to use multiple accounts after the rules was put into place need to be dealt with out in the open so the community can see who they are. Considering the fact that you used the quote from Hex, I can rationally come to the conclusion that you feel the same way and while I agree with you as far as old accounts that are no longer used are concerned I wholeheartedly disagree when it comes to new accounts or accounts still being used.