...boy do I have a story for you then :)

I live in California and decided to stop by a cigar shop this evening. I see a sign that says "WE HAVE OPUS X DOUBLE CORONA" cigars. So there I am, my heart skipping a beat, and there they are...the Opus X Double Coronas. I look all around the box and gaze at the cigars...no price tag to be found.

This is one of these situations I begin to think that is much like a restaurant...you want the lobster, but it says 'MARKET PRICE' ...aka "if you have to ask, you probably can't afford it."

So I tell my girlfriend to put on a flashy smile and sweetly ask the guy (like this is going to get me anywhere, but it was fun anyway) at the counter how much the cigar is so I can continue to drool all over the shop's humidor :).

He gets done helping some customers, gives my girlfriend the price as I'm eagerly waiting. "How much," I ask...."$50.00," she says.


You guys think online prices are bad from those not-authorized dealers? Think again...:)

(No I didn't buy one)