Let me start by saying I'm not rich but love the expensive brands and I'm most likely considered a Tennessee Redneck. Honest answers folks, please. I usually smoke 4-7 stogies a day during normal chores. Now how many of y'all really smoke the good stuff while working? Santa is watching! Personally I will limit my self to 3-5 "premium" smokes a week. Right now I'm smoking Trinidad y Cia from JR's. I get 20 coronas for 12.95. Sure there not premium long filter pleasure sticks but they fill a void. While working I cannot enjoy a good cigar since I'm gonna chew half of it anyway. I reckon if I'm the only one who buys cheap smokes for everday then I don't belong on this forum. Be honest, y'all rich or what? I like Baccrat but at $5 each that equals 15-25 bucks a day. Worst case 25 x 30 days= $750 a month and one P.O.'d ole lady. When I went back to smoking stogies two years ago I spent over $800 bucks in 2 months. Or is it y'all only enjoy stogies during your qiute time? Cowboy gents.