Being member moderated board I would like to address disreputable retailers. I am concerned for the new members and lurkers when advertisers, such as tobaccoworld, come here and try to sell cigars and 2,3 or 4 times the MSRP. If new members/lurkers read posts and discover the members generally favorable opinions of Anejo's, opus x, etc., the new members/lurkers could get suckered into purchasing from disreputable retailers. This would undoubtedly lead to negative inferences towards our "hobby".

To this end I would like to begin a discussion about establishing a set of rules or guidelines to which retailers who choose to post on this board may be held accountable.

What I would like to see spring from this discussion is:

  1. Rules or guidelines for retailers who choose to post at

  1. A banning policy for dealing with offenders, or,

  1. A black list, with a sticky, that we can refer new members or lurkers to for guidance.

I, as well as many of you, have found certain online retailers to be models of professionalism, customer service and quality. Gary, or cigar1993, comes to my mind as one who exemplifies what an online retailer should be.

So to assist in this discussion please think about what you like to see in retailers, what you have appreciated, as well as what you dislike.

Thanks, NH