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Thread: Hex a ? for you

  1. Default Hex a ? for you

    I know the ban poll rules state we need to PM you ,I am asking this in public for all to see.

    I would like a poll on banning SFG75,I think he is a dickhead and of no actual use here at CS. I think the following choices should be used.

    1) Permaban

    2) No Permaban

    No other choixces are needed. The Douchebag has shown his sorry ass at Cigar Utopia where I have some friends LOL. If you slip up just once scrotty they will crucify you like you have never saw the likes of. No Pm's please scrotty ,I will post them for all to see

    Thanks Hex

    The older I get ,the better I was

  2. #2
    bigpoppapuff Guest

    Default ban...let's keep him around to dump on..

  3. #3
    SFG75 Guest


    I don't care what you fellas do, but I would just ask that you wait until I post the tracking # to the Walter Reed family group and wrap things up with that.

  4. Default

    Fuck off dickhead ,shove your tracking# up your ass. Be a fucking man and shoot yourself in the foot like you alawys do. Asshat
    The older I get ,the better I was

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