This trolling asshole just can't hide the fact that he's a trolling asshole:

Originally Posted by FpDoc77 12/17/05
Yep...thats what happened to me over there. I mispelled a thing the grammer nazi (who is also a much tamer member of this board) is ripping into me along with his goons. Im sure he will say I was banned for being a jerk but in all honesty it was because I merely defended myself as a newb. Cigarsmokers is a ghost town of a site unless you are looking for a fight. Me personally I would rather talk with respectful knowledgeable members than a bunch of internet tough guys anytime of the day.

My reply on 12/20/05
Let's stick to the facts fpdoc. For anyone who's interested, just go over to CigarSmokers and look at all posts by fpdoc's posts and draw your own conclusions. You were banned for being a jerk.

BTW fpdoc it's "grammar" not "grammer" if you don't like being criticized for being wrong, then stop being wrong......

It's one thing to make a typographical, spelling or punctuation error every now and then but you make one in just about every one of your posts.

And there's no need for you to keep trashing CigarSmokers, that's a no no.


Saved here for posterity before they delete it.

They've already had to delete quite a few of fpdoc's posts because of his flaming.

I feel bad for ClubStogie having to tolerate that piece of shit........