For the past 3 days I have been working on my expenses. Hadn’t turned any in since May. Finished last night about 1:00 am. Had been jones’n for a cigar since about 4:00 and thinking about my buying vs smoking habits along the way. Realized that lately I had been buying fabulous cigars. But had been smoking for the most part fairly pedestrian cigars. The duality of man I guess, current circumstances battling with a frugal upbringing. Decided to change up and grab something different. Bought a “female named” sampler of 1996 cigars in the spring. Ironically I keep them in a wooden Tamboril box. Pulled it out and saw the Sig I in there. I love Sig I’s. Need to buy more Sig I’s. Anyway, back on task it looked great smelled wonderful so it’s time had come.

Packed up and went to the car. It had just started snowing. Christmas season, expenses done, beautiful huge snowflakes falling, a nice backdrop. Clipped with one of the Havana Cutters which seem to be everywhere in my life. I love these lil suckers. Man, being relaxed is so confusing… sorry for the ramble.

Fired up and took a leisurely drive around my little community. Took 6-8 puffs to settle into a decent flavor. It always amazes me the differences in cigars. Some are wonderful from the first putt. Some you are tempted to pitch they are so bad initially. This one sucked initially. Then the tide turned.

Understand I was feeling pretty good about my final victory over the 1 ft. high pile of receipts, So don’t take anything said here too seriously. I like the Sig I for it’s refined med strength with great flavor richness vs other sig sizes. The Larger RG Sig’s always seem to have too much of that grassy flavor. Anyway, age hath it’s privilege and this cigar was a privilege to smoke. Compared to my 04’s this had that tactile fullness, tongue coating sensation that to me is just the best smoking sensation.

Drove out to the lake where there is a pier jutting out a few hundred feet. There are lights gong out into the lake so the falling snow enveloped by the night makes an ever changing kaleidoscope tunneling out into the darkness. Anyway it looked pretty cool. Sweet, toasted rich almond, full and wonderful. The tongue is such a variable in smoking cigars. Seems like different cigars / different ages on cigars affect different locations and with unique sensations. This was the first cigar that got the underside. Full flavor without harshness. The grassy flavor, if that is really a good description, had evolved. Not sure how to describe it. Maybe as an example pie crust that is just not quite done and has the dough and yeasty flavor vs. one that is perfectly browned.

Snow is really starting to accumulate on the ground and trees. Such a beautiful thing. Pulled myself away from the lake and cruised west along Christmas light row. Cigar just keeps up an intense attack of flavor. Smoke seems to coat every surface of my mouth. Silky, elegant and flavor intense.

Getting near home and wishing these were longer, but maybe not. Some experiences are meant to be what they are. One of my favorite smokes.