The storewide sale has been extended into the new year!

Nearly everything on sale - Our regular prices were below their "sale" prices to begin with!

~Palios are in stock and ready to ship and now $42.95!

~UNREAL prices on SAKs

~HUGE savings on Otterbox Cigar Caddys

~Prometheus lighters are due in any day now, reserve yours today at an unbeatable price!

~All Solo lighters are in stock and ready to ship with a LIFETIME warranty!

~Check out the VecTor products that just arrived!

~T-shirts & Sweathshirts at the lowest prices yet!

~The "Hecho" mugs have a arrived and have been shipped to those who pre-ordered - you WON'T be disappointed!

~Don't forget to maximize your shipping by adding a VecTor punch, t-shirt or embroidered hat to your order - or a cutter to send along in your Cigar Caddy!

Thanks again for the support and Happy New Year!
