Quote Originally Posted by porschesales225
Louisiana doesnt have any bar bans but i was at this bar and the bartender told me i cant smoke my cigar in there. after pointing out the 9 packs of cowboy killers that were being smoked all i once i asked how it is that they could legally discriminate against me.......
The owner stopped by and asked what the problem was so i explained that there is no way for them to decide that my 1 cigar is any different from the 75-150 cigarrettes being smoked at any given time in the foggy joint. I also reminded him that legally unless there is NO SMoking i can light up what i choose he apologized for his bartender bought me a beer and told me not to worry about the *uss*s in the bar. MY kinda guy.
Not true. The one who owns the establishment can say what can and can't be smoked in there. It's his establishment and he makes the rules. You can't legally be discriminated on because of age, sex, race or religion. Everything else is fair game.