So ggiese was reading a post on another thread on another board a few days ago where we were discussing Scotch Whiskey. (A subject near and dear to my heart). Anyway some posts that they recently had some Glen aged in french oak casks. I mention I've seen the bottle and want to try it someday. So ggiese, being the stand-up, great and greatly generous guy he is takes it upon himself to send me a couple 1.5 oz. bottles so I can try it before I invest.

Now not that isn't one of the nicest gestures, (it gets better), he also reads that I've been looking to find (and try) a Fuente 858 sun-grown but have been out of luck. So, you guessed it, he throws one of those in also, and just so it isn't lonely he tosses in a fuente between the lines.

Ggiese, your generosity speaks words towards you character.

I truly appreciate this gift and thank you.
