
Yes you are absolutely correct and no I did not take any offense. I have some experience in the criminal defense field, and none in Federal law, but not nearly enough to either give advice or reach a solid and legally sound conclusion on this matter.

The smartest man is the one who knows that which he does not know and is willing to admit it.

I have a funny feeling we're not going to see the Cuban cigar nazi's breaking down our doors
LMFAO Although it is getting closer to that here in California. Good thing we don't want to smoke cuban cigarrettes!

This is the Police . . . drop your Cubans and nobody will be hurt!

I have vivid images in my head of the Illian Gonzales raid in Florida . . . police and SWAT in riot gear with automatic weapons staking out a humidor!


Not sure what you mean by your comment that it is irrelevant . . . and this is not a jab at you personally . . . but I beleive all opinions and comments carry some relevance - especially in a forum if not in the law.

My comments regarding "possession" as opposed to actual trade, sale, dealing and the like was merely an observation based on a cursory glance at some materials regaridng the embargo and Cuban cigars. I am sure if I spent some time (an no I probably wont do research on this topic now that I have looked at my desk this morning ) I could come to some sound legal conclusions (regardless of my particular field of practice) since the internet and WestLaw and LexisNexis are outstanding resources.