This has been a great place to come and look up lots of info shared by some of our experts on the board. I've learned a lot by looking through the old posts. But there's something I've learned over the years.

You may have taught us everything we know, but you haven't taught us everything YOU know!

I know nothing is for free, so at the end of the contest I will send a very nice cigar to the top 3 winners (more on that in a bit.)

So, with that in mind, here we go. This contest is for those of you who know everything us newbies know, and then some.

The rules

Post your best tip. It should be something that hasn't been posted in the past, or if it has been, it should be some obscure piece of information that will help us newbies and amaze your peers. Take your time and dig way back into your smoking experiences. It can be anything from preparing to tasting to evaluating to repairing a cigar to... well... if I knew all the categories I would be entering myself!

Only one entry per expert so take your time in thinking about it and give us your best tip.

No comments by any contestant on other contestants entries until the contest is over.

No "joke" tips or things that are not legitimate.

Newbies, stay out no matter how smart you think you are (you know who you are.) These guys share a lot of information and this one is for them

This thread should only be for tips. I will put up another thread for comments, ribbing, flames, or whatever. By doing this we can end up with a nice thread for future newbies to peruse.

The contest will run until May 5th, 6PM Mountain time.


After the contest is over I will put up a poll for everyone on the board to vote for their favorite/best tip.

All entrants must vote, but they can't vote for themselves.

Voting is open to anyone who is a member at the time of THIS posting.

One vote per member, and your first vote is final.

Voting will end on May 12th 6PM Mountain Time.

In the event of a tie, there will be a one day run-off vote.

The Prizes

The prizes will be one of the following;

Bolivar Corona
Diplomático No.2
Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure No.2

These were all purchased from a store outside of London and, to the best of my knowledge, are authentic you know whats!

The first place winner will get first choice, second place will get second choice and third place will get what's left. In addition, all 3 winners will get bragging rights!

So, c'mon guys and gals, show us what we don't know!