So here's the deal. The A/C died in my building about 3 weeks before I found a new place. Temps averaged 95+ during the day and 85+ in the wee hours of the morning (got to love those wall-to-wall windows... ). As you can imagine, this played hell with the enviroment inside my humidor. By the time I got relocated and unpacked, humidity was at or about 50% and had been for at least a week. Thankfully, I seem to have escaped a plague of tobacco beatles, but after a week and a half of intensive care, the highest humidity I have seen is 61% and as of this writing, it is at 58% and 70F. Temp has been stable since I moved. I pulled out my standard humidifier two days ago and put in a Breveda seasoning packet (84%) to see if that would help them recover. Average humidty has increased 10% since then, but has remained stable for the past 24 hours.

Any suggestions as to how to save my stash? I assumed that it might take a couple weeks to get things smoothed out, but I'm still a bit nervous. The box has about 80 or so cigars crammed into it, so there's not alot of open space. What should I do?