Ok folks. Time for a contest. Because of circumstances in my life I am facing the harsh reality of needing to go back to college and reinvent myself at the young age of 38. It's not a done deal, but you guys get a contest out of it anyway. You get to guess what I am considering becoming when I grow up.

Some ground rules. You must have at least 65 posts, of which at least half must be of useful quality, to be eligible. If you meet that requirement, you are in and free to guess. 1 guess per day. There is no time limit on this contest. I will drag it out till one of you fockers quits guessing transvestite giggolo and makes a serious guess. That is your only hint as well. If the contest drags out long enough and you are a noobler who makes it to 65 posts without getting ban polled, you will then become eligible.

Now, the prize. This is going to be a nice selection of sticks I enjoy and regularly have available. So, no one be under any delusions. You aren't getting a box of Opus and Castro's personal humidor out of this. So, when you get a crate of swishers, no pissing and moaning. If I am feeling generous, you might get some peach backwoods though.

So, you sorry lot get to guessing. Otherwise, I start tracking down your pictures and start photoshopping the hell out of them.