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Thread: Patriotism & Fireworks

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Shearstown, Newfoundland (A suburb of Bay Roberts)

    Default Patriotism & Fireworks

    Last night we went to see the Freedom Festival fireworks display over the Detroit River between Windsor and Detroit.

    They set up three barges filled with a pyromaniac's dream load and waited for dusk. At 10:12 PM the show started and lasted 23 minutes, an unbelieveable show of light, smoke, sound and pressure shocks. Click here for pictures of last years show, not as good as the one last night. The finale lasted about 3-4 minutes and we all felt as if we were getting pounded in the chest by what can only be described as a "barrage of constant pounding of shock waves on our chests". It was only fitting that I was taking the last few puffs on a Carlos Torano Virtuso Crescendo as we stood and watched (and felt) the ending of the show. (Thanks Sarge, awesome smokes!!)

    It was a spectacular sight to see the Detroit skyline masked by light and smoke and at times see nothing but the GM symbol atop the GM Renisance (sic) Center as you can see in some of the pictures in the link.

    Most awesome of all, I think, was the beginning.

    At 10:06, a lone helicopter flew up the Canadian shore with a huge Canadian flag behind and underneath it. Then it swung around and flew back down the river amid applause and cheering. At 10:09, a different helicopter appeared and flew up the American side, this time towing an American flag. It also turned and made the trek to where it had first appeared. Even though we were on the other side of the river, the applause, cheering, whistling, yelling, etc from the American side was astounding.

    I am always amazed by the Patriotism exhibited by my American Bretheren to any exposure of the flag or National Anthem. I think back to a Red Wings game I attended a week after Desert Storm started in the early 90's and in spite of the fact I'm not American, the emotion I felt when the Anthem was sung at the beginning of the game, and how the crowd responded when the PA system played that song "I'm Proud To Be An American". I still remember how the hair stood on the back of my neck as the crowd sang along.

    My thoughts then, last night, and now, always go to the service-men and women overseas and in wars past!

    To those in the Forces .................................................. ... GOD BLESS!!!
    ><((((º>¸.·´¯`·.¸ ><((((º>¸.·´¯`·.¸ ><((((º> ¸.·´¯`·.¸ ><((((º>¸.·´¯`·.¸ ><((((º>¸.·´¯`·.¸ ><((((º>¸.·´¯`·.¸ ><((((º>

    Hi. My name is Jim and I like to shave!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    San Bernardino, CA


    Word. I love 4th of July. Probably my next favorite holiday next to Christmas.

    California is getting so damn strict though about EVERYTHING. We used to have huge block party types of parties on the 4th, now with the damn laws, you can only have fireworks in certain sections of the city. Whats 4th of July without fireworks? Now we have to either pay to go watch a professional pyro show, or do it "illegally" at our place and watch for the fire marshals to come through the neighborhoods.

    We used to go every year to Lauglin, Nevada just to buy fireworks and I would litterally spend about $300 on mortar shell fireworks and some others you cant buy in Cali. Now I dont go because its so strict that the fines are like $1000 if you get caught with them.

    California is becoming the suck.
    2 Funky Chickens!
    2.5 Pomegranates

  3. #3

    Thumbs up

    It's amazing, the amount of Patriotism exhibited at this time of year. It's also refreshing to have a person from another country acknowledge it. Ditto in the thanks to our troops. I would also like to thank the famalies who have sacrificed so much in our countries time of need. To you Devil Dogs.......Semper Fi my brothers!!!!!!!

    Make sure your sound is up......
    Last edited by Dickson; 06-29-2006 at 05:32 PM.
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Blog Entries


    4th of July is my favorite holiday. My last one was spent in Equador and we still got fire works down there. Even the local nationals were telling us happy 4th of July. Plenty of beer, burgers, and dogs for all the crews there to celebrate. It was a great time.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Iowa City, Iowa


    I too love the 4th of July Independence Day holiday. It's one of the big non-religious holidays, so I really live it up. Since moving to CA, the personal fireworks displays aren't as good, but from my back yard I can watch 5 different City displays.

    I want to wish those men and women serving our Country, and protecting our freedoms, a very happy, and uneventful, 4th, and I hope they can all get home safe, and soon.

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