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Don Collins Longsdale
(Product of Puerto Rico)

Price: 3.70 (per) however they are sold in bundles 25/92.20
Size: 6 ¼
Ring: 44
Color: Natural very even
Construction: Very Good

Before smoke: Smooth smell with lots of vanilla. Cut with no hesitation, no leaf problems, and pre-light draw very smooth.

First Draw: Good taste. Nice Tobacco with no vanilla taste that was expected.

This smoke starts off with a very good taste. Although the cigar has lots of vanilla smell to it, the taste is good tobacco. Where I taste the vanilla is in the smoke and aftertaste, not during the draw itself. The smoke has a wonderful scent that I think would please most people. This smoke doesn’t stink like many cigars. As I approach the ¼ mark of the cigar, the vanilla starts to appear in the taste of the tobacco. The vanilla is very mild and adds a nice compliment to the cigar.

¼ through cigar and the taste is still steady. The cigar so far has a mild/medium flavor to it. It’s not over powering and when you take a nice draw you want to relax and enjoy the smoke. I’ve taken 3-4 quick draws to see if I get the over burn taste that happens in many cigars. Just a slight heat however, still is a nice/smooth/steady smoke. So far, haven’t needed to adjust the burn at all. The ash is very light and falls off the cigar very easily.

Half way down the cigar and nothing has really changed about this smoke. Steady, consistent flavor.

A friend that I was smoking with said the smell from the cigar was very nice.

¾ mark and still a nice constant flavor.

Finished the smoke with no problems and never needed to adjust the burn.

Overall: This cigar was a pleasant smoke. Very nice and medium/mild power to the smoke with a great taste that makes you want to relax. This wouldn’t be one of my go to smokes, however it would be one that I would put in my humi and wouldn’t be shamed to hand out to friends.