Hello! I've been reading the forum for several weeks now. I've learned the hard way that, at least for me, its usually better to listen more than speak, but decided it's time to introduce myself. I've smoked cigars casually since I was about 18. I became interested in cigars when the first Tinderbox opened in the Atlanta area in the mid 70's. I would buy a stick or two at a time and smoke them right away. It has only been in the last 2 years that I have gotten serious enough to buy a humidor and start my collection. I've learned a lot in my weeks of lurking here. Most of what I've learned is very usefull, such as beads and some great cigars to try, unfortunately I also have learned about the "Devil's Site". Of course I couldn't resist and had to check it out for myself. Suddenly my 75 stick humidor is too small and I've had to add a tupperdor. Thanks alot.