Quote Originally Posted by cigar no baka
Can anyone answer this one for me? I know that celebrities can get Cubans and smoke them at their leisure without fear of reprisal. But how can Michael Jordan, in the latest CA magazine, admit to smoking them without the law coming down on him??
I personally think it's because the government is not going to get in the business of arresting people off the street for smoking Cuban cigars. There is an embargo, they do confiscate and destroy cigars they find - but they are not willing to raid houses to seize the stashes of John Q. Public over possessing Cuban cigars. It would be a huge public relations nightmare.

There was a fairly publicized arrest in the Chicago area of a lawyer that was "open and notorious" in his importation, possession and most importantly SALE of Cuban cigars. If you rub the governments nose in it, you're gonna get whacked. He got three years in Federal Prison, and $60,000 in fines. That is the ONLY arrest I've ever heard of for possession or sale of Cuban cigars.