In spite of the fact the British Open is on TV and I'm stuck at work, I'm in a great mood because I had my new custom built humidor hand delivered to me at work today, (It isn't huge, but it's beautiful. Pics after lunch), plus the fact I had the bejeezuz blown out of our mailbox two days this week by awesome Brothers from two boards

So I think I'll run a contest.

Game is simple. Pick who you think will win, and what his final score will be in relation to par after 72 holes (extra holes do not count for score, just for the winning player). The winner of this contest will be the person who picks the correct player finishing first in The Open, and should more than one player pick the correct winner, it will be decided by who picks the score closest to the winning score, in relation to par after 72 holes. As a second tie breaker, should two or more people pick both the winner and choose the same score, you should also post who will be second, and what his score will be after 72 holes.


  1. You must have 50 posts minimum and be in good standing with this board.
  2. One pick per person please. This contest will be run on 2 boards with a separate prize for each board. For members of both boards, please limit your guess to one board or the other. You WILL NOT win on both.
  3. Picks MUST be posted with time stamp before noon tomorrow, Friday, July 21st
  4. Any post that is edited, containing guesses, will be disqualified.


Will be a selection of my favourite everyday smokes. Sorry, but this will not include Opus, VSGs or ISOMs, etc. While there may be bundled smokes in this prize pack, there will be no dog-rockets I'm just trying to get rid of. These will all be cigars that I enjoy smoking and will range from mild to medium-full.

With that being said, let the guessing begin. You have ~ 24 hours from .................................. NOW!