Hi All,

Now, with winter (yes, to you midwesterners, I said it...) with winter coming in a few months, I am going to have to figure out how to build a "Smoking Room" or a "Man's Room". My wife doesn't like cigar smoke. Let's face it, I am not going to lounge out in -10 degree weather in my garage just so I can relax and freeze...

I have a fairly small basement that is going to be finished (approx 11' by 25'.) One room will be my smoking room and the other will be probably a bedroom for one of my boys. Both will be cozy and small but functional.

Here is where I need all of your help... I would like a classic leather loveseat on the back wall and a TV on the front wall with a coffee table in the middle. The overall room size will probably be 12' by 10 or 11' and there is a window on the far side that is egress I will be working around.

What would be your best recommendation for smoke filtration? I am cost conscious, but don't mind spending money to get the best bang.

The other thing, what kinds of things should I be thinking about for my "Smoke Room" in the designing phases? I am not looking to go too elaborate, but does anyone have the "Dang, I should have thought about that" tips for me? You know, lighting, outlets, coffee tables, filtration (as mentioned above)... You guys know what I am asking for? You know, the things that you say to yourself like... "next time I am going to do this differently.........."

Thanks all!

Joe aka SW