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Thread: Blind Group Review

  1. #1

    Default Blind Group Review

    Ok, I posted this in the general discussion forum and I believe there is enough intrest here to proceed.

    I would like to host a blind group review. Pretty simple, each person gets two differnt cigars (two of each, total of four). They will be labled by "1" and "2" , matching cigars will share the same number. There will be one "lower end" cigar, in the $2-3 range and a "higher end" cigar in the $7-8 range. Once the cigars have been mailed you will have one month to review them. A thread will be started in the review thread. There will be a thread for Cigar #1 and a thread for Cigar #2, to keep things easy to read and compair peoples reviews. The review can be a combind review of both the samples of the same cigar, or you could review each seperatly. Once all reviews have been posted (please PM me when you post them so I can keep track easily) the identity of the cigars will be revieled. I will also be posting a "review format" that everyone shold use so that there can be a combind total score for each cigar.

    The price will the cost of the cigars (accual cost I pay for them, I'm not upping them to msrp or anything, so I'm not making any profit off this) and $3.85 for shipping/comfirmation. I will post the exact price before we beguin, and will accept paypal or money order. As I posted in the other thread I would also not have a problem with people waiting untill the recieve the cigars before they send the payment, as long as you've been a member for a few months and have built up some posts here.

    These are the people said they wanted to participate in the other thread:

    Cabaiguan Juan
    HeftySmokes (if enough people get on board)

    I would like to have 9 people, so there is ONE spot open. I'll leave it open for another week, or untill the remaining one spot is filled. Please post if interested.
    Last edited by TheSilentChamber; 08-31-2006 at 10:35 PM.

  2. #2


    Ok total price including shipping is going to be 23.85. The cigars I'v picked up, I think will make for some very interesting reviews would like to see people try to pick the more expensive one.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    153 Whitney Way Cibolo, TX 78108


    I'll do it.
    End of line.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    153 Whitney Way Cibolo, TX 78108


    I'll do it. Don't know if my review will be of much value but I can tell which one I like more, for sure.
    End of line.

  5. #5

    Default Blind Review

    I am interested if there is still an opening

  6. #6


    still a couple spots left.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2006


    What the hell like I have nothing better to do I will do it a month is plenty of time to get this out of the way one by one

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by CgarDan View Post
    What the hell like I have nothing better to do I will do it a month is plenty of time to get this out of the way one by one

    Good stuff. I figure a month would give the cigars time to settle from being shipped and still give time to smoke them. One spot left, I know someone else is itching to join.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Harrison, AR
    Blog Entries


    I'm going to sit this one out since I'm sure I still don't know beans - but I'm interested in seeing how this turns out. Keep us updated... I'll catch the next one.

  10. #10


    Nobody wants the last spot???

    Drop me a PM with your PP info and I'll send the cash on Tuesday when I get back from the labor day festivities.

  11. #11


    My info is:

    Daniel Coffey
    606 W. Lanark
    Queen City, TX 75572 is the paypal address. Please everyone PM me how you plan on paying (money order, paypal) and if your going to pay before or after the cigars recieved. STILL ONE SPOT LEFT. designwise1, your more than welcome to join.

    Also I would like everyone to hold off on payment untill I have the cigars in hand, They have been ordered, and should arrive this following week- but I would hate to get peoples payment then have a problem with the cigars when they get here and have a delay.
    Last edited by TheSilentChamber; 09-01-2006 at 04:13 PM.

  12. #12


    Hey guys, I'm going to have to hold off on this for a couple weeks, I'm fixing to head out of town, I'm thinking about three weeks at the most, but more likely two. When I get back I'll see if everyone is still interested.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    153 Whitney Way Cibolo, TX 78108


    That's cool just keep us posted.
    End of line.

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