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Thread: Introduction

  1. #1

    Default Introduction

    I'm new to the cigar world and so far I enjoy it. Had my first cigar in Vegas. It was free. The best kind. That was years ago. I consider myself new as I smoker since I do it in spurts and tend to smoke when relaxing with friends. I'm cheap which I fined doesn't go well with cigar's or much of anything else. Just happen to be about 45 minutes away from famous smokes in PA. Plan on making a trip or stopping by on my way to a friends house. Would like to get a box and sampler to try. Looking to find a day/weekly smoke.

    So far I've been lurking and reading the treads picking up on new information. The best part has been learning how to pick a good cigar by look and feel. I have smoked a stale cigar before. Having not smoked a lot of different types I'm still looking for my "taste". All I can say so far is that I like large cigars. High ring size and long length. Might just be an image thing that I got in my head.

    I'm a closet smoker at the moment. But if you happen to be in the Sussex County area of NJ and feel like making a friend and helping a newbie along feel free to PM me.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    6003 Upper Lake Dr. Humble, TX 77346


    welcome, bro. glad to have ya! i've learned quite a bit from these. stick around and you will too. just read and keep smoking.

  3. #3
    SFG75 Guest


    Welcome Diesel!. Don't worry about being cheap. If Mark Twain were alive, he'd have nothing to do with an Opus or ISOM Cohiba. The man was notorious for smoking the cheapest cigars he could find. Glad to have you here.

  4. Default

    Hey Diesel,

    I hear ya about being cheap. On line, JR Cigars often has good deals on quality smokes. The JR Ultimates I have found to be as good as any preium, even better than a couple. I got a cabinet of 20 petite coronas for only $40.

    Don't write off narrow gauge smokes. I'm fond of the larger sizes myself but some smokes lend themselves well to a narrow format. I have some vintage Cuba Aliados that would probably be too mellow in a large ring. In a 7x42 they are concentrated and really flavorful.

    Welcome to the world of stogies! It's a lot of fun!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2005


    jbruels makes a terrific point. Many longtime smokers will smoke smaller cigars because it does concentrate the flavor of the cigar. It's also cheaper buying smaller cigars, less tobacco=smaller price. So consider the petite corona as an everyday smoke.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    San Antonio, Texas


    Welcome to the crew Diesel...great to have you.

  7. #7


    Thanks for the warm welcome. I'll keep my options open when it comes to cigars and size.

    Anyone into the Amish cigars?

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