A little advice...
I am reposting this sense it seems some people just aren't getting the point. Pay particular attention to #5!
Recently we have had an influx of dumbasses come through these parts and to avoid you going down the same road as them I would like to point out a few things:
1. Respect ALL the members here all the time!
2. If you do something wrong or just plain stupid, expect to be called on it and take your criticisms like a man.
3. USE the search tool!!! Odds are the question you have has been answered if not many times at least once.
4. Relax and be thick-skinned. Remember that the population here is 99.9% male and guys as you know can be brash without ill-intentions. So take everything with a grain of salt before you throw yourself into a flame war with an established member.
5. If there's something controversial going on and you don't know the WHOLE story, stay out of it!
6. Participate often and contribute to the board.