Quote Originally Posted by Ruger1v View Post

It was just a question, Sort of feel like the new kid in school with that reaction... Like I said, I am new to this so the etiquette is not well defined to me at this time. So if I was a seasoned smoker the question would have been proper???? I am not trying to disrupt your “Good old Boys” Cigar club mentality. I just had question and thought a forum would be the correct stage to present it. I have heard many things about Cubans being legal and not legal, all in smoke shops and all different. A little clarification is all I needed...
Quote Originally Posted by Ruger1v View Post

God Dam... What an Asshole.... You go fuck youself..... I had enough of this site already. If you were in front of me I would give you one hell of a beat down... no shit... no pretend tuff.... I would jusf fuck you up... I dont need assholes like you kind to enjoy a smoke.... Not that big of a deal...... Got 2 assholes on this post in 30 minutes..... that is just to much... looks like too many jit bags here to go along with some alright folks.... If you were here I woild knock everyone of you teeth out on the pavement... No shit ...
Still cant get it [S IZE="7"]ASSHOlE!!!!!!!! [/SIZE]
Get a grip there rugerfucktard, If you are too fucking stupid to order and recieve cuban cigars them you are prolly too fucking stupid to tell the difference between a fine cuban and a turd my dog just cut.

Are you 18 or 19 with your "fuck you up "attitude? or are you 14 and just growing pubes and spanking your little needle dick? Yeah its a good ole boy/gal mentality here. It wasnt invented yesterday it was grown and matured by knowing these dudes and dudettes and actually meeting some of them and talking with them and enjoying a cigar together. I have lots of cubans and if I ever wanted one I didn't have I could PM a number of people here and trade for some . Get this ,some people who I am friends with actually have sent me cubans free,and I have sent them cubans and other very rare /hard to get cigars free.

I seriously doubt that you could smack me down or intimidate me in any way shape or form,you see at my age and station in life little turds like you are just like dick gnats buzzing around my dogs ballsack. They are just annoying and a pest and serve no purpose but to keep my dogs sack clean. Best you just lick your wounds and take your teabagging you have gotten and hit the road. Go try and meet little girls or boys if you prefer on myspace or whatever it is whackers like you do. Bye fucktard
