We just got done booking our trip. We fly out of Toronto on the morning of November 13th to Camaguey. Then a 90 minute ride to the resort at Santa Lucia on a jutting set of quays on the north side of the island.

This summer and fall (so far) have been living hell with no rest or break, so it's time to get some serious R&R away from kid, phones, work, dogs, golf, motorcycle, etc . Nothing to do except sample & shop for cigars, and to smoke and drink myself silly!

It's 7 days of all-inclusive heaven. Flight, transfers, resort, meals, drinks, all included for $397 canadian + taxes each. Total bill came to under $1200 Canadian.

I'm really looking forward to it and I'll keep a smoking log to post when I get back.

Mmmmmmmmmm, how many days away is that?? I'm so fuggin tired I'd have to take off my socks to count past 10.