Tell us about it. How old were you? What were you doing? Where were you? What was it? Did you decide to just go pick up a smoke on your own or (most likely I think) did somebody get you into it? Did you like it? Hate it? How long till you smoked again?

I had my first cigar with my Dad back in 96ish when I brought 2 back from my mission trip to Mexico. I had to have been 14 or 15 at the time and I felt to cool for school sitting there having a cigar like an adult. My Dad taught me the proper way to cut it, toast the end, and then light it with matches of course. Pops is the one that started me down this very long avenue of my life. I still currently have the tube in my desk drawer of the cigar and it was a Private Reserve Antonio y Cleopatra Supreme handrolled in the Dominican Republic. I can't tell you anything of the taste of it, the quality, etc but I do know it was a huge bonding experience for us.

After that first cigar I might have had 2 more before my 18th birthday mainly because of my age, it was something reserved for a very special occassion. It took a good friend to really get me into starting to smoke cigars more and expand my horizons, at the time I was still all about the RyJ and a nice light smoke while he was into trying new things and gravitated to La Gloria Cubana Series R Maduros. The first time I tried one... wow... what a difference... super strong smoke that actually made me a lil' woozy. As I tried darker/stronger cigars I noticed my tastes started to change and grow, too.

Looking back on that first cigar is one of the cigars I treasure the most now because it was the first of 3 I ever got to share with my Father. My Dad unfortunately got quite sick after I moved off to college and was on Oxygen almost constantly by the time I really started getting into cigars. Everytime I light up I still think back to that first one on the deck we built and it made me wonder if I was the only one that had a really significant or memorable first smoke. Unfortunately those 3 cigars will be all that I will ever get to share with my Dad because tomorrow will mark the 2.5 year anniversary of his passing.

P.s. Yes I borrowed some of this from my newb thread but I figured Your First Smoke would be a great topic.