I had a chance to catch these guys in New Haven, CT a couple of weeks ago. I'm a HUGE Dropkick Murphys fan so people told me I should see Flogging Molly if I ever got a chance.

I went to the show and I had only heard a couple of their songs once. Unfortunately since I didn't know their music, I didn't enjoy the show as much as I would now! After the show, I bought all three of their studio CDs and I've been listening to them for the past couple of weeks, MAN these guys are GOOD! These guys are HIGH ENERGY, very entertaining and WOW, can they play!! It's a seven piece band with bass, drums and guitar, complimented by accordian, mandolin, tin whistle, violin, banjo and acoustic guitar! The violin, tin whistle player, Briget Regan is the girlfriend of Dave King the band's leader. They are both from Ireland while the other five guys are from the USA. They're based out of Los Angeles. Dave is my age, born in 1961.

Their most recent release "Whiskey on a Sunday" has ten songs on it but they are all either acoustic versions or live versions of previously released material. The cool thing is a DVD is included which is footage taken on the road with narratives telling you a lot about the band, it's history and their personal stories. The "movie" is about two hours long and it's great.

After the show, a couple of the band members hung around chatting with people in the crowd. I got a chance to meet Dennis Casey, the guitar player and he signed a CD for me.

I will definitely catch as many shows of these guys in the future in the same manner I'm doing with the Dropkick Murphys. I only became acquainted with DKM a year ago but I've managed to see them NINE times in the past year! I know all the words to all of their songs.