I just got back Saturday from a tour of Rocky's place in Honduras. We visited every facet of the growing and manufacturing of cigars. It was truely an incredible experience.

Here are some of the raw pics. Give me some time and I'll have them up on our website.

We stayed at a villa supplied by Rocky http://www.metrocigar.com/honduras/PA250010.JPG

Here's some tobacco fermenting http://www.metrocigar.com/honduras/PA250017.JPG

Here's some tobacco that just came in and is going to be fumigated http://www.metrocigar.com/honduras/PA250020.JPG

Here's one of the sorting rooms http://www.metrocigar.com/honduras/PA250029.JPG

Here's where they sort the wrapper. In natural sunlight http://www.metrocigar.com/honduras/PA250037.JPG

Couple of armed guards at the gate. Saw lots of these http://www.metrocigar.com/honduras/PA250040.JPG

The rolling room http://www.metrocigar.com/honduras/PA260041.JPG

Checking ring size prior to wrapping http://www.metrocigar.com/honduras/PA260049.JPG

Quality control. You will notice that in some bundles the cigars are turned around. These are the rejects. Each bundle has a tag identifing the roller. http://www.metrocigar.com/honduras/PA260055.JPG

Packing the boxes. They even put the bands and cellophane on by hand http://www.metrocigar.com/honduras/PA260057.JPG

Rolling some nice maduros http://www.metrocigar.com/honduras/PA260060.JPG

Box making http://www.metrocigar.com/honduras/PA260076.JPG

The drying room http://www.metrocigar.com/honduras/PA270090.JPG

Sewing fresh leaves one by one http://www.metrocigar.com/honduras/PA270092.JPG

The fields http://www.metrocigar.com/honduras/PA270094.JPG

Got tons more pics but you will get an idea. Each cigar you smoke has been touched over one hundred times by different people.
