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Thread: SFG75 the "Master Passer" NOT!!!

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  1. #1
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    Default SFG75 the "Master Passer" NOT!!!

    Scotty, do you think someone who puts an Ashton Sorcerer in HIS OWN BROTHER IN LAW'S PASS with a big piece of wrapper coming off (that was you and you know it) should proclaim himself a "Master Passer"?

    I mean, my God, it's one thing to screw a pass host who you don't even know but RANDY? Do you have no conscience AT ALL?

    First off, here's a link to The Thread

    Here are your P/T's (see page 8 of the thread):
    Here we go folks, let me know what ya think
    #67 Quai D'Orsay Gran Corona
    #1 La Unica Cameroon Torpedo #1
    #76Montecristo #2
    #77Ashton VSG Sorcerer
    #78 Onyx Reserve #4(extra put)
    and here's Randy's observation of the damaged cigar you put in his pass (see page 9 in the thread):

    There is one cigar with some major wrapper prob. just so you don't take it with out knowing the #77. Ashton VSG Sorcerer has a big piece of the wapper comming off right in the middle of the cigar.
    Oh, here's something else in that same Pass Thread (see page 9), you screwed up the paperwork, some friggin "Master Passer" you are:

    There was also a problem with a couple of SFG75's entry's. The entries in the pass book didn't match the actual sticks although they are listed correctly here in this thread
    Your perception of yourself is in complete disagreement with the facts. You live in some kind of fantasy world.

    Scotty, we'd all love to hear your explanation of this mess. Oh and please do yourself a favor, take your self-proclaimed title out of your sig tag, it make you look pompous and foolish.

    I know you're doing your best to ignore me but you're going to have to say SOMETHING here. No never mind, the facts speak for themselves........
    Last edited by CoventryCat86; 04-30-2005 at 06:35 PM.

  2. #2
    SFG75 Guest


    O.K., for the jury at large-

    The puts and takes sheet has three vertical sections. The first line is for the name of the cigar, the second for the person who put in the cigar, and the third is for the person who takes the cigar(if that occurs) In the plays that I made, I should've did, but did the following. I'll use ccat's moniker and some other smokes as an example.

    Here's what I should've done:
    Cohiba Siglo VI -ccat86 -SFG75
    Trinidad chuchill -ccat86 -SFG75

    Here's what I did:
    Cohiba Siglo VI -SFG75
    Trinidad churchill-SFG75

    If I remember correctly, I scratched out the whole damn thing and re-wrote it or Steve re-wrote em. While I messed that up, no one argued about the quality of my p's and t's. As a matter of fact, Steve and Randy jokingly asked if I was drunk while I wrote in my p's and t's. You didn't post that part-you shoud've, it was pretty amusing.

    In regards to the VSG, the cigar was in perfect shape when I put it in the pass. Traveling is not good for cigars, no matter what precautions one takes. When I got my pass back, three cigars had some wear and tear on 'em. Was it because people put in bad cigars? I honestly doubt it. Will I get some damaged sticks back in my pass in a few days? Undoubtedly-yes. I have yet to be in any pass where each and every stick made it back in pristine condition. Randy stated the condition of the VSG so that someone wouldn't unkowingly take it. That's the point of PM'ing the pass host with the condition of the cigars each and every time you receive the pass.

    Still, you and the gang never gave me hell for it. If this was truly a serious thing, and not you making a mountain out of an anthill, you and the boys WOULD'VE POSTED SOMETHING SEVEN MONTHS AGO!. Are we to believe that your "finding" of this is somehow coincidental? How ironic that you had nothing to post about it then, but all of a sudden, you post this in a frenzied effort to "get" me. Looking out for the pass participants or desperate to grab at anything, anything to try and discredit me? Did you guys fall asleep at the helm or something? No-you know the hazards and pitfalls of a pass, as well as the fact that the pass sheet situation was taken care of. Folks were warned not to take it and no one advised me to replace it. Why? because when cigars are in the air, a few damaged sticks is considered par for the course. DUH!.

    Yes Bill, you found me out. It was my total intention to screw my brother in law in his pass.

    Keep grasping for straws, that's about all your gonna find. I have no control over the USPS and the handling of the box in travel. Nor do i have control over cigars "moving" around in a box inspite of my best efforts or of the person after me. No one is held to that standard. I'll spell it all out for you again Bill.

    Last edited by SFG75; 05-01-2005 at 01:49 AM.

  3. #3
    SFG75 Guest


    LOL-a flaking cigar & a sheet that was ultimately corrected. Is that the best you can come up with?

  4. #4
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    Well Scotty, I have yet to be in a pass where someone puts in cigars that are falling apart.

    You are truly amazing with the way you twist the facts and try to lie your way out of things.

    You were #8 in the lineup and sent it to Gibu. Now it's not like Gibu lives on the other side of the world, the box only had to travel from Sutton, NE to Norton, KS which golly gee is where RANDY happens to live and only a few miles down the road.. Gibu did his puts and takes and he and Randy got together and looked over the pass before it went on its way to the last four participants. This is when Randy found out you "put" a cigar that was essentially garbage. Since Randy is probably one of the nicest guys in the world, he didn't make an issue over this (and you KNEW he wouldn't which is what makes me sick here, you took advantage of his kindness).

    When I get done with a pass I typically don't look at the thread but since you have given yourself the title of "Master Baiter" Uh, I mean "Master Passer" I decided to look at one of your pass threads to see what I could find. Sure enough, the first on I looked at, I found where you put in a cigar that was falling apart and you got caught red handed.

    And AGAIN, your REALLY think a lot of yourself don't you? You are a cocky, arrogant, smug, obnoxious POS. How many times do you have to tell us you are:
    and insert shit-eating grin smilies? You must love that one.

    You've been caught red-handed here Scotty and it really is rather amusing how you try to lie your way out of it. I've been involved in far many more passes than you have, Mr. "Master Passer" and I've never seen a cigar with the wrapper falling off of it in a pass and I have yet to host a pass where sticks came back in less than pristine condition (I've hosted three passes). Maybe that's because I involve myself in passes with people who have a clue unlike you who can only get into passes lately with people who have little or no experience with cigar passes and trades.

    You seem to be a little paranoid, I'm not out to "get you" Scotty, just trying to make this community aware of the facts about you. The fact here being that you have a reputation for putting ruined cigars in passes. The other facts are that you REALLY think you are something special while you are nothing but an arrogant insecure nasty person.

    Ya gonna give me a "strike" now?


  5. #5
    SFG75 Guest


    Caught "red-handed," now that's a hoot. If you are maintaing that each and every cigar in every pass is in pristine condition upon arrival, you are either being facetious or dishonest. I had three damaged sticks in my own pass when it got home. Did I go head-hunting and demand to know why? No, as stated earlier-unless it's a pattern from the person, you ascribe it to factors that are outside of your control. Now if this cropped up a few times in other passes, then perhaps folks would've called me out directly on the matter. Was this the reason why you, Neal, and the other FOGs never said a word? Hmmmmm? Randy may be nice, but surely others would've spoke out. After all, that's why you guys are the "watchdogs" who "guide" the site and "make it what it is today" You failed to answer why it was that you made no posts in the thread when it was all going on, but you know somehow believe that what occured months ago makes me suspect.

    Anthills into mountains Bill, anthills into mountains. That's o.k., folks can read the all "passes completed" threads at CP, which I've encouraged people to do. People are doing business with me Bill, inspite of your best efforts to see otherwise. If I'm truly suspect as you keep insinuating, but can't prove-I'll eventually hang myself with my own rope. But that won't happen, which is why you take such exhaustive action to try and deter anyone from doing business with me. Keep jumping in everytime I post Bill, wouldn't want to let people make up their own minds now would we?

  6. Default

    You guys must be hooked on the movie "Mad Max..Thunderdome." Two men enter, one man leave. By the way, Tina Turner was raised one county west of mine. I've been to Nutbush.

  7. #7
    SFG75 Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by cigarsarge
    You guys must be hooked on the movie "Mad Max..Thunderdome."
    In all honesty, I've never seen the movie, though I do get what you're saying. Wasn't Mel Gibson in that one? I don't know why, but I'm thinking Mel Gibson was in that movie.

  8. #8
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    I thought I would never get to use that pic......LMAO
    Last edited by Bkcloud114; 05-01-2005 at 08:48 AM.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by SFG75
    LOL-a flaking cigar & a sheet that was ultimately corrected. Is that the best you can come up with?
    Scotty you twist the facts, a cigar with a wrapper coming off is very different from a "flaking cigar" (BTW, what the HELL is a "flaking" cigar?) and just because the sheet was "ultimately corrected" doesn't remove the fact that someone who likes to boast and brag about the large number of passes he's been in in incapable of filling out a simple pass sheet. YOU screwed up Scotty and just because your brother in law fixed your mess doesn't just make it automatically go away.

    Once again gang, this is Scotty at his best, he refuses to admit he's wrong because after all he is SCOTTY, he is "F-L-A-W-L-E-S-S", he is perfect, he knows more than all of us, he is universally loved (except by CC86 who is obviously mentally ill because after all, he's the ONLY one in the world who questions the great Scotty).
    Last edited by CoventryCat86; 05-01-2005 at 09:39 AM.

  10. #10
    SFG75 Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by CoventryCat86
    Once again, you twist the facts, a cigar with a wrapper coming off is very different from a "flaking cigar" (BTW, what the HELL is a "flaking" cigar?) and just because the sheet was "ultimately corrected" doesn't remove the fact that someone who likes to boast and brag about the large number of passes he's been in in incapable of filling out a simple pass sheet. YOU screwe up Scotty and just because your brother in law fixed your mess doesn't just make it automatically go away.

    Anthills into mountains Bill, anthills into mountains.

    Oh, btw

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by SFG75
    Anthills into mountains Bill, anthills into mountains.

    Oh, btw

    I rest my just can't help yourself can you? This is the kind of obnoxious pig headed attitude that got you banned from CigarPass. You never learn do you?

    We'll let the rest of this community decide whether or not they think you intentionally putting damaged cigars in a pass constitutes a "mountain" or an "anthill"

    I'd never let you in any pass I host nor would I ever be in a pass that would stoop low enough to have you as a participant.

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