Quote Originally Posted by Quint View Post
For single malts the following I think are excellant :

Speyside Scotches:

The Belvenie

Highland scotches:


Islay Scotches:

Laphroaig ------------ My favorite to compliment a cigar

The above all get better with age as long as your pallete has aquired the taste. Early on you my find a 10yr old to be much more paletable then an 18 yr old. You my also find blended scotches much more to your liking in the early stages. I still like some blends sort of as the "everyday inexpensive but tasty" same way you have your inexpensive cigar. For that I would recommend:

Johnny Walker Black---- excellant blend for small money
The Cigar Malt by Dalmore ---- another excellant blend for small money

But just like cigars its an aquired taste and everybody has there own favorites.


Mmmm Balvenie DoubleWood!