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Thread: Good Morning BOTL / SOTL, Just a little post padding

  1. #161
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Tampa, FL


    Quote Originally Posted by john51277 View Post
    It can be a pain in the ass. oe of my co-workers has a condo in Ormond Beach, so we can stay there for the weekend and be far enough away to still enjoy it. It has just become too "vendorized"
    Still nuttin like it. I used to go to Bike week and Biketober fest every year. The Condo was the Oceanwalk. Boy I miss it.

  2. #162


    wooohooo no school again!!

  3. #163
    john51277 Guest


    I had to break 100 posts so here it is. Hooooooray for me!!

  4. #164


    haha, now you can go get those free cigars when they come around...

  5. #165
    Join Date
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    Toronto, Canada


    ugnnnn, -21C with wind -34C outside.... sunnny day though and already waiting on a second coffee. Started reading a great book called "Freakonomics" by Levitt and Dubner. Off camping in the snow this weekend. Should be fun. What a contrast to being in Mexico City last week and then going to be in Florida the week after.

    The Internet - All the Piracy, None of the Scurvy

  6. #166
    john51277 Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by ReV View Post
    haha, now you can go get those free cigars when they come around...

    ReV, you are absolutely correct. I have always liked free stuff!!!!

  7. #167
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Binghamton, NY


    Well, good morning boys and girls. I know I haven't been posting much lately, but I have been trying to read all the crap that has been going on. Oh well, shit happens.

    Anyway.... 40* this morning in Binghamton and the cars have a dusting of snow on them. Drinking my coffee and checking my e-mails. I get lots of e-mails with this new job. Was able to smoke a JR Ultimate last night, surprisingly good cigars.

    Hope everybody had a great Easter or Passover. I spent Easter at Lake Norman, North Carolina. A buddy of mine is looking into buying a house so the wife and I took a ride. What a beautiful place, I think I see another move for the wife and I in the near future.

    I just took a look at CP... I am behind 23 pages... looks like lots of nonsense

    Have a great day !!!!
    I'm not big on doing reviews, tobacco doesn't taste like "cocoa" or "nutty" or "mocha" to me, it tastes like freakin' TOBACCO. I know what I like and I really don't care what other people think of other cigars. I've never read a review and said to myself "Wow, that sounds like a cigar I'd like to try!"

  8. #168
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    I was surprised I never saw this thread until today. I had a very busy day. Husband has a cold and he miserable. I got company for the weekend so looks like the house work on me. I just do not feel motivated.

    "Do this...go to Google and type in "Dumbass that can't take a hint"...notice the picture of a big feller in his Moms kitchen with a can of Wannabe RockStar on his man boob...Hey, that's you!" TheGreekTitan

    May God grant us the wisdom to discover right, the will to

    choose it, and the strength

    to make it endure

  9. #169
    Join Date
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    Good Morning all,
    WoooHooo its Friday. Been in super-user training all week for the new software system we are installing and I'm pretty drained.....taxes me to have to think that f'in hard for an entire week.

    My wife and I had our 16th anniversary on the 10th, but due to the training we couldn't really celebrate it appropriately. Therefore, I have made the command decision to abandon work this afternoon at the earliest possible opportunity, pack up some clothes and head to KC and the casinos for the weekend!!!! Made the decision yesterday, made reservations and snuck home at lunch time to throw some stuff in a bag, lay out my wifes suitcase for her and put a vase with a red rose on top of them, put an invitation with details of the trip along with it and placed them right inside the door my wife comes in after work (she gets home before I do).

    Got a pretty excited phone call yesterday afternoon.....and am looking forward to a fantastic weekend.

    Have a good weekend everybody!!!!!

  10. #170
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    Congrats on the anniversary ashauler!

  11. #171


    sounds awesome ashauler! me and WOXOF are suppose to be hitting the casinos pretty soon.

    So, this week has been straight up, with a doubt ... crappy. Money is the biggest issue. Then Sarah's car has been messed up and we've been having to share my car and we have very different work schedules. My job sucks and I've been working some killer overtime for extra cash. Yesterday, though, my boss decides to start letting this huge truck at 10 min till 5pm. We close at 5. The truck is huge. He was there all freaking day and decided to start then. I was extrememly upset. This, however, is not the first time he's pulled this. It's happened several times before. One time he did it on a Friday. I had 4 other guys waiting on me to show up for practice and here I was covering for my boss who has no concept of time. Work has sucked this week. So after that I went to practice and wore myself out there in a hot garage. Then it was time to switch out beds at my apartment. I had a queen size and went down to a twin. I was exhausted. I feel like I'm a state of depression. I know I'm in trouble when I drive around and don't listen to any music. But I think in 8 hours I'll be good. I get paid today and then it will be the weekend. Gonna smoke something awesome tonite. There are talks of me and my buddy going coyote hunting. Plus, I'm extrememly looking forward to the Torano event this come Wed at my B&M.

    Sorry for all the complaining. Just had to vent a little.
    Originally Posted by Heftysmokes:
    Maybe I should do a movie review on Apollo 13 and tell you all "that's as real as it gets" since I'm a fucking astronaut.

  12. #172


    Twins turn 1 today. Had to go to court this morning. A structuring conference. For those who haven't experienced this marvel of a waste of time, basically the Attorneys go to court, sit down and set a schedule for discovery, depositions, expert witnesses and trail date. Then the judge approves it. This could be done via email or in 5 minutes over the phone but instead we have to drive out to the court house and sit around and wait. Massive waste of time and a disservice to clients because it means they spend a couple of hours worth of dollars for nothing.

    But the twins turn 1 so we'll get them to bed at 7:30 as usual, let Jack watch a movie and maybe the wife and I can settle into a nice bottle of Red.

    I think I try a new Pinot Noir.

  13. #173
    Join Date
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    Tampa, FL


    ashauler that is AWESOME! Congrats too.

    Finally getting yardwork done. Cut the grass, edged, I think my weedwacker is having issues(3rd time used argh) and started clearing some of teh mess down by the seawall. I have to start building a new one as the old one has shown it's age finally. :(

    I have some long outdoor projects and lots of cigars so I should be ok.

  14. #174


    Quote Originally Posted by nhcigarfan View Post
    Twins turn 1 today. Had to go to court this morning. A structuring conference. For those who haven't experienced this marvel of a waste of time, basically the Attorneys go to court, sit down and set a schedule for discovery, depositions, expert witnesses and trail date. Then the judge approves it. This could be done via email or in 5 minutes over the phone but instead we have to drive out to the court house and sit around and wait. Massive waste of time and a disservice to clients because it means they spend a couple of hours worth of dollars for nothing.

    But the twins turn 1 so we'll get them to bed at 7:30 as usual, let Jack watch a movie and maybe the wife and I can settle into a nice bottle of Red.

    I think I try a new Pinot Noir.

    I got my first taste of the court systems during my sisters last divorce. Family court is basically hurry up and wait, and the waiting is 99% of it. You stand around all day waiting to testify, then are told at 3PM after having been at the courthouse 8 hours that the judge is calling it a day and they have no more time for witnesses. Bah. If it wasn't my sister, I wouldn't have wasted my time. The courts have turned into a mind-numbing, soul-sucking bureaucracy.
    There's only two kinds of cigars, the kind you like and the kind you don't.

  15. #175
    Join Date
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    That much further west


    Good morning fellow BOTL/SOTL! Monday, ahhh my favorite day of the week (NOT). I am just finishing up my morning coffee and trying stay motivated enough to get some work done today. I am going to a concert tonight with a friend and my 13 year old Son- (Type-O-Negative and Celtic Frost). Honestly, I am starting to feel a bit old for these shows. I only do this because of my Son's wishes and the fact that he is carrying a 3.8 GPA this year. So here's to getting home at 2:00 in the morning with the high possibility of having a ringing headache
    Mama said a lot of things and be thankful was the one she never minded saying twice

    --Drive-By Truckers

  16. #176
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    Another Monday has come and gone. I hate Mondays. I made the mistake of turning on the news as I was to get my dinner. I not sure if we have members out in Virgina or members with family's effected by what happen this afternoon but my heart goes out to you all. I am not sure what the answer is or how much more I can tolerate mass destruction of children.

    "Do this...go to Google and type in "Dumbass that can't take a hint"...notice the picture of a big feller in his Moms kitchen with a can of Wannabe RockStar on his man boob...Hey, that's you!" TheGreekTitan

    May God grant us the wisdom to discover right, the will to

    choose it, and the strength

    to make it endure

  17. #177
    Join Date
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    Default Tennis Match Today

    Played tennis today. I played a great game, but in doubles, your partner is half of it.
    I hate my partner.
    Close match thrown away...
    When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
    When sorrows like sea billows roll;
    Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,
    It is well, it is well, with my soul.

  18. #178
    Join Date
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    Havana, Cuba


    Well, had a great Sunday afternoon. Got together with a few friends on a patio and enjoyed a very nice selection of Scotch, Port and cigars.

    Drank a bunch of Scotch, tried my first Port and loved it, as well as smoked a Cohiba Lancero (2001) and Partagas PCE (2005).

    It was a helluva time, but this morning I wasn't feeling all that hot.
    {*insert snide remark here*}
    Trader Rating: +2112

  19. #179
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    Good Late/Lazy Sunday morning All,
    I'm sitting on the front porch, piggy-backing on a neighbor's wireless connection, smoking a nice mellow Gispert maduro robusto and watching the 30-40 mph winds wreak havoc on the elms. Its about 68 f and really pleasant on the porch, which faces straight North so with the SW winds I get to watch the action and still enjoy the aroma of my cigar smoke.

    Its kinda nice to just sit here, read some posts, and enjoy the morning. I don't usually post on the weekends...I get enough of computers and the web at work all week. But today, it just felt right, almost like a needed break from the routine of breaking the routine...if that makes any sense. Sometimes the rituals I seem to have developed surrounding my relaxing/decompressing time are done by rote.....which doesn't make much sense if its supposed to be a change.....

    Had a great time last weekend in KC, though a normally 2 1/2 hour drive took us 6 hrs due to a freak snow/ice/freezing rain storm we encountered on the way. Traffic on the turnpike was moving at about 30-40 mph......but we handled it just fine, and enjoyed the hot-tub at the hotel even that much more!!

    Sorry for the long post. I hope everyone is having a great day today.

  20. #180
    Join Date
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    Had my last exam yesterday! Plus the raptors won last night, so all in all it was a good day. I almost have a degree..whatever that'll be worth... I just need to do one more course in the summer. But damn its good to be done exams and just be able to do nothing all day but smoke cigars and drink.

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