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Thread: cooler question

  1. Default cooler question

    I been cigar smokin for about 10 years now but with no humidor to call my own. I have read where some of you guys use a cooler. Do you just put your boxes in them or do you need a hygrometer in it? How does the "coolidor" work? I may want to make one soon. thanks

  2. #2


    It is just like a humidor in that you need to add a humidifier and a hydrometer. Alot of folks are going with humidity beads these days.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    In a van, down by the river!


    A hygrometer would be nice, to insure you aren't over humidifying your cigars. I picked my digital one up for about $40(can) and I saw them for around $20(us) on ebay. Or you can get analog ones for a lot cheaper. You should also get some florist foam(free from florist maybe ), soak it with distilled water and throw it in a bag. Set the bag upright in the cooler and call it a humidifier. Just make sure you open the coolider at least once a week to make sure it gets fresh air and to fill your humidifier up. You can also throw some blocks of cedar in just to help it maintain it's moisture better
    Last edited by Roham; 05-08-2005 at 11:54 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    In a van, down by the river!


    mmab posted this in another thread regarding florist foam:

    "It's called "Oasis" at most florists and craft stores. There are two types. One is a dry type and made for artificial flowers. The other is the wet type for real flowers. You want the wet type. Oasis is a great material for humidifiers

    My buddy got an inexpensive humidor a while back and the Oasis in the humidifier puck was either cheap crap or the dry type as it wouldn't soak up any water.

    Go to any craft store and ask for wet type Oasis florist foam. You can recut a section easy. It cuts easier than butter with a steak knife or razor knife. When you soak it you can see the color darken and also see the water absorb into it.

    You may want to consider making your own humidifier using Oasis and some type of holder for it. Just be sure it won't leak or contact you cigars directly."

  5. Default

    Thanks alot guys!!! I think I will get a small cooler to start out with that I can put a box or two in. Do you leave them in hte box or do you take them out and like the bottom with them? (I know thats prob a dumb question) So tell me if it is

  6. #6


    if your gonna start out small its probably better to go with a tupperware... their usually cheaper

    as for in or out of the box its up to you... if youve got full boxes i would probably leave them in the box just for extra protection against rummaging thru the coolerdor
    ~a woman is only a woman, but a good cigar is a smoke. -- Rudyard Kipling

    ~Clatto Verata Nicto

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    In a van, down by the river!


    I would leave them in a box. The box's are usualy made out of cedar so they will help maintian the moisture. It's the same as tossing in a few blocks of cedar

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