I consider mostly everyone here a good friend, as I have learned lot about y'all of the year which I have been here. All you new guys are on provisional status until you pull a Seth, or Ruger or other asshat move. And I feel comfortable with sharing news of my personal life here amongst you guys (and girls). I posted end of January about getting a ring for my girlfriend. I had no idea how, when or where to ask her as getting the ring was a bit of a surprise to me. Well, after our trip to Puerto Rico, I decided that I couldn't wait any longer and that I needed to let her know how I felt and what my commitment was to her. Don't take that to mean that there was any sort of question to our relationship, but I wanted to let her know that I wanted to marry her. I talked to her dad in between my trip to Puerto Rico and the ski trip I just got back from on Monday and got his blessing. Yesterday I proposed. We were getting ready to cook dinner for Valentines day and I suggested we exchange gifts. I dropped to a knee and pulled out the box, opened it up and asked her if she would be my wife. Two minutes of crying later I got a 'Yes!' It was a pretty incredible evening. The phone calls, the act of proposing, the response, the rush of emotions, everything. I've never experienced anything like it before. Damn.

Now I'm going to get married, Wow!