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Thread: Toss me your garbage

  1. #141
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Billings MT
    Blog Entries


    While you have been a refreshing breeze blowing through our little neck of the woods, the more than occasional whiffs of moron keep wafting from your posts...

    First, your eloquent retelling of your time in was so rewarding for us to hear about your taking the time from your busy schedule soliciting underage prostitutes to partake in the leaf...

    Quote Originally Posted by coors_ca View Post
    well lets see...

    i had my first enjoyable cigar tasting experience earlier this year in april when i went to indo. bought six cigars for the trip on a whim. enjoyed every last puff, especially the last 3 inches of the mac's. after my stash of mac's and assorted others ran out i ended up smoking an extremely cheap local brand that was the same size as my pinky finger and came in a pack of 10 . needless to say i had ten profound moments of regret all having me relive the moment a few weeks earlier when the cashier at the local cigar shop asked, "will that be all?" when faced with the choice between slow death by noxious fumes or a monkey clawing at my eyes with one hand out whilst holding onto my hair by the other, i had to go with abstinence for the rest of my three month stay on that lovely island. it actually didn't end up so bad as with every urge to puff i began to get full body massages which were quite cheap. that fixed me up right quick.

    thoughts of perfumed cigar smoke lingering in the air and the light lip and head buzz that accompanies a solid drag, were forgot on my return, never to bubble to the surface until the eventful afternoon i decided to return to the forum at which i conducted my research on which sticks to purchase nine months earlier. and so we have come upon this message, which was literally squeezed out of me by harrassing posts, bordering on verbal and emotional abuse. you bottle and stick throwers should all be proud of yourselves...

    ::bows out::
    Then, this gem...

    wow kevin7, nice pic of your wife hovering over the vase without her top on!

    way to hook up the board! nice form btw. almost got out of that one with an apology, but what kind of social retard would insult another man's wife??? Good God, you might as well talk shit about somebody's mother.

    Quote Originally Posted by coors_ca View Post
    i don't have many friends who are married and am ignorant of the proper ettiquette and boundaries associated with message board antics. i was thoughtless and plain rude, please accept my apology.


    Oh, and nice job belittling a board member...

    Quote Originally Posted by coors_ca View Post
    do u always let others decide your plan of action?

    And, really, how can you be expected to be taken at all seriously when you not only name drop the worst beer ever brewed, but you use it as a screen name???

    Quote Originally Posted by coors_ca View Post
    use a can of coors with drill holes and wrap in pantyhose.

    Follow it up with a dipshit mooch attempt...

    Quote Originally Posted by coors_ca View Post
    i thought about joining the airforce after watching top gun when i was 11.

    will u send me free stuff as well?

    ...and you've got quite a nice little thing going for yourself. I didn't even bother digging in to the vomit you've been spouting today; it could fill a fucking swimming pool.

    Oh ya I guess I wasn't too lazy, of course there were only 40 worthless posts to sift through...
    i'm too lazy, but i'm almost 100 percent that i could do a past thread search and verify that assumption.
    40 posts and you have contributed absolutely nothing to the board; We're so glad to have you!

  2. #142
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    19 58.7N 75 49.4W


    Quote Originally Posted by coors_ca View Post
    the fact that this thread is still at the top of the board reflects badly on yall.

    Nice, a troll coming to the aid of another troll. I think pisswater_ca has been banned before anyway. At least archmedes admits that he's nothing but a p.o.s. troll wannabee hacker. Stick to the geek squad at worst buy with the other socially retarded nerds.

    How about a "two for one" ban poll or instaban on tweedle dee and tweedle dumb.

  3. #143
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    129 S. 7th Street Cherokee, Iowa 51012


    Quote Originally Posted by WOXOF View Post
    Nice, a troll coming to the aid of another troll. I think pisswater_ca has been banned before anyway. At least archmedes admits that he's nothing but a p.o.s. troll wannabee hacker. Stick to the geek squad at worst buy with the other socially retarded nerds.

    How about a "two for one" ban poll or instaban on tweedle dee and tweedle dumb.
    Yep get rid of both of these guys. I tried to help coors out when he first stuck his foot in his mouth but he just hasn't figured out how to remove it, prolly pretty hard when the mouth happens to be on the that is shoved up his ass.
    "I'm a leaf on the wind watch how I soar."
    Hoban Washburn

  4. #144
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    38° 59′ 26″ N, 77° 1′ 35″ W


    Quote Originally Posted by Shagaroo View Post
    Probably should have kept that to yourself...

    Nice little group of racist homophobes ya got there twinkledick...
    Absolutely hilarious. It was all I could do not to spill my drink all over the place. One good thing about Archmedes is that he indirectly filled the start of my day with laughter.
    The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, "You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done." -unknown

  5. #145
    bigpoppapuff Guest


    hey coors and arch....buh-bye!!!...

  6. #146


    Quote Originally Posted by Lopaka View Post
    Are we going for two bans this round?
    No need for ban polls, both of these 'tards are just on hold until Hex sees their shit and boots them off.
    There's only two kinds of cigars, the kind you like and the kind you don't.

  7. #147


    Haven't heard from Arch in a bit... thought he wasn't leaving til we gave up or banned him?

  8. #148
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Precipitously close to disaster.


    Quote Originally Posted by Shagaroo View Post
    Page one in the attention whores "How To Keep That Attention Coming" book. Make 'em think you want to get banned so they won't ban you. Sorry junior. Many of us have been dealing with stink weasles like yourself since you were crappin' in your diapers and wiping it on your face and calling it war paint. Try another line because that one is tired and worn out.

    The simple truth is you are a mooching pissant that picked the wrong board to mooch on. When you got called on it you just could not stop yourself from letting the real you come flooding out. And it is clear you are just another of our worlds losers that thinks everyone owes you something and when you don't get what you want, how you want it, you just start trying to ruin everything for everyone else. Sorry, but you aren't some legendary board troll. You are just a little kid throwing a temper tantrum. You can try your best to convince yourself that you are pissing up the place and causing us stress all you want, but the truth is, you are dancing for our amusement little monkey!

    I gotta agree with ya, Shag.

    archie here is extremely amusing! Kinda like those little spider monkees you toss peanuts to at the zoo - ya just gotta watch 'em because they're so doggone cute - even if they can't help themselves but to masterbate in front of you!

    Hey, archie - ya never told me - you gonna take me up on my offer to sign up for my "Garbage Cigar of the Month Club?©" I was gonna make you a charter member if you do

  9. #149
    coors_ca Guest


    hefty, we can settle this real easy, just come by my neck of the woods and we'll fight for 4 2 minutes rounds of no holds barred. at the end, if u are still capable of breathing through u'r lard laden neck, i'll stfu. if not, i'll bury you and save u'r loved ones funeral costs. either way u win.

    they can just say u were eaten by sharks while on business in cali.

  10. #150
    coors_ca Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by cigar no baka View Post
    No need for ban polls, both of these 'tards are just on hold until Hex sees their shit and boots them off.
    i have faith that hex will see this thread for what it is, an unprovoked attack on myself, to which i defended. nothing any of you wouldn't do. if he decides ban, so be it. again, it reflects badly on you all.

  11. #151
    Join Date
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    Precipitously close to disaster.


    Quote Originally Posted by coors_ca View Post
    i wasn't aware this board was for waxing intellectual...

    shall we begin a discussion on the consideration of spaciality of ethnic minority groups in the south east texas area, specifically focusing on the correlations found between geographic localities and poor educational achievement?
    Nah - before we get to that, we probably need to start you off with a lesson on how to use a computer keyboard...

    Lesson 1:

    This is the SHIFT key

  12. #152


    Quote Originally Posted by ggiese View Post
    Nah - before we get to that, we probably need to start you off with a lesson on how to use a computer keyboard...

    Lesson 1:

    This is the SHIFT key

    Originally Posted by Heftysmokes:
    Maybe I should do a movie review on Apollo 13 and tell you all "that's as real as it gets" since I'm a fucking astronaut.

  13. #153


    Quote Originally Posted by coors_ca View Post
    i have faith that hex will see this thread for what it is, an unprovoked attack on myself, to which i defended. nothing any of you wouldn't do. if he decides ban, so be it. again, it reflects badly on you all.
    the way i understand it, they take a vote to ban folks around here... so if you've somehow pissed off 10 or more senior members, you're as good as gone.

  14. #154
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Havana, Cuba


    Quote Originally Posted by coors_ca View Post
    hefty, we can settle this real easy, just come by my neck of the woods and we'll fight for 4 2 minutes rounds of no holds barred. at the end, if u are still capable of breathing through u'r lard laden neck, i'll stfu. if not, i'll bury you and save u'r loved ones funeral costs. either way u win.

    they can just say u were eaten by sharks while on business in cali.

    Are you Chugg's lovechild?
    {*insert snide remark here*}
    Trader Rating: +2112

  15. #155
    bigpoppapuff Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by coors_ca View Post
    i have faith that hex will see this thread for what it is, an unprovoked attack on myself, to which i defended. nothing any of you wouldn't do. if he decides ban, so be it. again, it reflects badly on you all.

    big balls sitting at your keyboard,coors....i fart in your general'll be gone soon before you come back with another screen name ??

    flex those muscles femmy boy!!!

  16. #156
    bigpoppapuff Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by ReV View Post
    the way i understand it, they take a vote to ban folks around here... so if you've somehow pissed off 10 or more senior members, you're as good as gone.

    no vote needed with this turd.....he'll be gone very soon...

  17. #157


    Quote Originally Posted by bigpoppapuff View Post
    ....i fart in your general direction....
    flex those muscles femmy boy!!!
    Your mother was a hampster and your father smelt of elderberries !!!
    Originally Posted by Heftysmokes:
    Maybe I should do a movie review on Apollo 13 and tell you all "that's as real as it gets" since I'm a fucking astronaut.

  18. #158
    coors_ca Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by drew_goring View Post
    Are you Chugg's lovechild?

    my suggestion was offered in complete sincerity. i'll even give you a ride from the airport to u'r hotel if u'r like.

  19. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by coors_ca View Post
    my suggestion was offered in complete sincerity.

    My suggestion is offered in complete sincerity...Pull your head out of your ass...Read the crap you post...And make a feble attempt to learn from it.

    You are a complete fucktard.

  20. #160
    coors_ca Guest


    that's 4...

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