Quote Originally Posted by Archmedes View Post
If anyone has junk sitting around that they don't want, or is old or crummy or messed up to the point you don't want it, I would love to take them off your hands. I have friends who always love to mooch and I am damn poor so I can't afford very much for myself anyway. I would be happy to pay your shipping and anything you may want for the cigars. Please don't worry about it being to crappy. If you have anything you have been thinking of tossing, please let me have it, as long is it is damn cheap.

This is only my first post and already I am begging for sticks.

Seriously though I am only asking for the cigars you want to toss. Waste not want not.
Tell your mooching friends to fuck off. If I have any garbage smokes, that is exactly where they are now. I don't keep shit around that I'm not gonna smoke. Why don't you use that postage money that you are willing to spend to buy a handful of cheap smokes? Hell, if you can't afford to smoke...DON'T!

(purobrat...is that you?)