Time for me to have a contest, it’s been a while.

Not too many people know that I have started a new career. I received my Real Estate license a couple of weeks ago and joined an International Company that has over 1,000 offices in the USA. This is gonna be kind of tough in the beginning. I was a NYC cop for 15 yrs and I am starting this in an area that is no where near where I lived. And for those of you who have spoken to me you also know I have a deep NY accent. So imagine getting a call from me.

I brokered my first deal for a contract and received signatures from both the buyers and the sellers. So, in a nut shell….
I sold my first house !!

Now for the contest…

What was the accepted offer on the house ?

Here is a hint….

The property is located in Vestal, NY (Broome County)

Now for the rules….

1. If you are an asshole on this board I will just ignore your guess, so don’t bother posting (I make this decision)
2. You must be a member of this BB at the time of this posting.
3. The person who guesses closest to the amount wins.
4. Winner will get a 5’er of cigars that I enjoy smoking.
5. One guess per person...
7. Contest ends on Sat morning (3/10/07)at 8:30 am…..
8. Closest to the correct amount wins.

This contest is running on 2 different BB’s. Each contest has nothing to do with the other. If you are a member of both BB’s you are allowed one guess on each BB.

Good luck !!!