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Thread: How much fluctuation in humidity is ok?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    California, PA

    Default How much fluctuation in humidity is ok?

    My humidity in my coolerdor goes from 60-70%. Is this okay? I imagine that a nice constant humidity is the best. And, yes, I do have beads in there. Please let me know what you think.

  2. #2
    john51277 Guest


    Does it only change when you open/close it, or 1 week it is 60, the next it is 70? How often does it go from high to low RH? How often do you open it?? There are alot of factors which will change this.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    North Myrtle Beach, SC


    And is your hygrometer calibrated? Came up with theory today that we should all fill our humi's to the top. More tobacco, less air. What fluctuates more? Rh of air or a solid like a nice cigar. I suppose we need circulation to keep them all in top form, but if you need to justify that new box of smokes!!! Any body ejumicated want to comment?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Sterling, VA


    Before I bought my Humidor, I researched what I should look for, what I needed, and how I should maintain it to keep my cigars happy. One site (don't remember which) said excess space in a humidor will make it difficult to maintain humidity. The more cigars you have will prevent fluctuations in humidity because you'll have more surface area that is maintaining the same humidity.

    I've noticed when my humidor is full, I maintain perfect humidity. Once I've smoked a significant amount and haven't acquired new smokes to replenish my humidor, it's harder for me to maintain the same humidity. Mind you, I also have a glass top humidor. SO, packing in the cigars may help release or prevent excess moisture coming in from the glass.

    This may not be true, it's one sights' opinion. I find it true from experience though. Others may not feel the same way.


  5. #5
    bigsmoke Guest


    That could be true, my colidor is pretty full and very consistent. Couldn't temperature variations throw off the humidity readings a little?

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