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Thread: Mondo Cigars??? Different Sites, same company

  1. Default Mondo Cigars??? Different Sites, same company

    I received an email recently directing me to

    They said I was on a list of customers who already buy cigars and thought I would be interested in the upcoming launch. The link took me to their site, which I browsed, etc. I was lured in by a 12 count sampler they promised if I filled out their feedback form. At this point what could it hurt. About two weeks later I received my cigars and am very pleased. Here's my did thye get my email. Are they affiliated with one of the other sites I shop on like JR or Thompson.......are they a spin off of that company. If not I don't see why they would want to sell their customer list to the competition.

    I have seen similiarities between sites like neptune and voila. Are these guys in that same boat. If anyone has any info about Mondo Cigars / ....please let me know. I may start shopping there once they launch, if they launch but I am curious if they are related to any of the big guys, etc. Thanks out there....

    Joe Cigar
    Last edited by JoeCigars; 05-23-2005 at 06:25 PM.

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