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Thread: Evolution...not really political, maybe controversial

  1. #81


    looking foward to it buddy, i think i'll step to the side and let you and DPB have an all out yelling match since it appears the two of you are on opposite ends of this debate and i find myself somewhere in the middle...

  2. Default

    Nice sarcasm.product of the weak mind
    good luck with the cset exam just hope you dont push your pseudo science on your students.
    Sorry if i didnt have my spell check on.and i am not the best writer pardon me for that.
    As far as teen speak lol thats a good one considering how religion treats everyone like scared little children,and sometimes you have to try to speak simple for simple people.dont take this as an insult just the way it seems. As far as my grammar yup its not the best but you still can read it cant you?
    again sorry if you cant or if its to difficult to read then i apologize.
    This is such a tired drawn out thread . been beaten like a dead horse here and all over the net if you still wish to engage then go ahead,if you want answers read a book but please read a book thats offers science not pseudo-science.
    oh look no capitalizing. I said nothing bad about you personally yet,but you attack me . talk about acting like an adult
    ah yes please o wise one tell us in your "god" speak how the wonderful yahweh or whatever god ,deity, goddess, supernatural omnimpotent being , creator ,intelligent designer(because everything is so intelligently designed)who made the universe and the earth all for us .because he cares ,cares so much the we should worship and pray to it.
    And then i can tell you about bigfoot , loch ness monsters and unicorns and fairies.but now you will probably tell us some pseudo science on how science is wrong and your science is right with out any evidence to prove so .. so here we go ..enjoy.Sounds like from your previous posts that you have never read any of the books that argue against your position.
    I will not continue on this its just not worth it to me.i did say in the beginning i was a lurker on this forum just to check out cigars i did decide to post on this thread because it is a subject i enjoy, but i will not get into a screaming match with someone who will never change his or her mind.So i will go back to lurking here or maybe not.I know you will respond to my sarcasm with more sarcasm.I will read it as i know who it is coming from and take it as such. i apologize that some of you couldnt see where i was coming from but thats ok .I will work on my writing skills and practice.try to be more economic in my points.I will say it again there are plenty of knowledge out there written by very well qualified people on evolution be it biology or cosmology.Either at the library or the book store. like i posted before is a great place to start if you dont know who he is look him up or just go to the site.
    Take care enjoy
    it has become almost a cliche to remark that nobody boasts of ignorance of literature,but it is socially acceptable to boast ignorance of science
    Last edited by DPB; 05-15-2007 at 11:40 AM.

  3. #83
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Granger, Indiana


    Quote Originally Posted by DPB View Post
    Ah sarcasm, the product of a weak mind ..

    To quote that supposedly Freudian phrase properly it's "Sarcasm is the recourse of a weak mind."

    I cannot find this particular quote by him in any famous quote literature though. The closest I can find is, "Sarcasm: the last refuge of modest and chaste-souled people when the privacy of their soul is coarsely and intrusively invaded." I'm guessing though the phrase is attributed to him, it has been reworded and twisted to suit someone elses purpose. It's the fate of many famous quotes.

    But from your posting style, I'm guessing you didn't know any of that and that you snagged it from the cheesy sci-fi movie, "Lost in Space" where the evil Dr. Smith said it.
    "some people are like slinkies, they're not really good for anything but they can bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs." –Unknown

    "He did for bullshit what Stonehenge did for rocks." -Cecil Adams

  4. Default

    hi ken actually i took it out because i felt it wasnt needed but i put it back kind of so people know what your posting about, yes i heard it from some where but wasnt sure i like the saying so i used it , sorry if it was out of quote.
    Again how may times do i have to say i apologize for my posting skills i do not spend all day behind a computer. I like to read and usually have conversations with someone in front of me.Man i feel like i am getting raped lol
    I am not going to argue with you on how i post i know its not the best and thank you for bringing it up again , like i said i will practice on my grammar and posting skills thank you for your criticism.
    yes i do enjoy science fiction films. I love non fiction books even more especially popular science .
    feels good to be around such smart people.and i thank you for your sarcasm.
    Last edited by DPB; 05-15-2007 at 09:02 AM.

  5. #85
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Granger, Indiana


    Quote Originally Posted by DPB View Post
    hi ken actually i took it out because i felt it wasnt needed but i put it back kind of so people know what your posting about, yes i heard it from some where but wasnt sure i like the saying so i used it , sorry if it was out of quote.
    Again how may times do i have to say i apologize for my posting skills i do not spend all day behind a computer. I like to read and usually have conversations with someone in front of me.Man i feel like i am getting raped lol
    I am not going to argue with you on how i post i know its not the best and thank you for bringing it up again , like i said i will practice on my grammar and posting skills thank you for your criticism.
    yes i do enjoy science fiction films. I love non fiction books even more especially popular science .
    feels good to be around such smart people.and i thank you for your sarcasm.

    WTF? Don't get defensive on me now. It was just a little FYI. I thought you might be interested. I'm not asking for apologies or anything else. What I meant was that your posting style is reminiscent of the younger generation and that I figured you got the quote from a more recent sci-fi movie rather than some other source. Movies are a great source for misquotes. In the back of my mind I was kind of hoping you might have a source for the quote being said by Freud so I could lay the issue to rest in my head. I can't find a definitive answer either way. I'm just guessing it's a take off from the aforementioned quote I verified.
    "some people are like slinkies, they're not really good for anything but they can bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs." –Unknown

    "He did for bullshit what Stonehenge did for rocks." -Cecil Adams

  6. Default

    ken, oh sorry man lol just new at this internet posting thing.
    And if my posting style seems immature again i will work on that.
    its hard to tell emotions from posting so i didnt know how to take your post
    I was just trying to get a point across. Just a average guy who one day was turned on to some interesting subjects about who and what we are. To me its fascinating to discover the reality of the world we live in, I guess its harder for some to accept what scientific evidence has been shown to us that contradicts some belief systems .We only know what information we have been exposed to.
    p.s big fan of austin powers
    Last edited by DPB; 05-15-2007 at 09:38 AM.

  7. Default

    from herseys last post "I'll be on it in a two weeks or so."
    Talk about proper grammar?

  8. #88
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Granger, Indiana


    No problem. I was thread-jacking anyway.
    "some people are like slinkies, they're not really good for anything but they can bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs." –Unknown

    "He did for bullshit what Stonehenge did for rocks." -Cecil Adams

  9. Default

    This is for hershey .
    When you come back to debate please do not use anything from this list.
    thank you

  10. #90
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Los Angeles, California


    Doug, I was not being sarcastic or attacking you in any way. I enjoy reading text with the proper spacing and capitalizations because they let me know of when a sentence (read new thought) begins and when one ends. It allows me to read faster, to scan and pick up information without having to check whether I've past a sentence or not. When you jumble up your spacing, for example, starting a sentence with a lowercase letter and having no space before the period and the first letter of the next sentence, it confuses my brain into thinking the two sentences you wrote are one. Then I realize my mistaken, as have to go back and read while CONSCIOUSLY watching for the same deviant punctuation. Your posts abound with shortcuts that aid you in writing them, but are determental to the assimilation of knowledge by the reader. Ie. not seperating key thoughts with a full line...

    I don't know, me explain this stuff is so basic that I think you might take it as an attack against your personhood. But I am not. It takes a little effort on your part, but allows the common reader such as myself the ability to not pass over 50 lines of text because it isn't within the proper structure we are accustom to.

    As Kenyth said, all this info is just FYI. It seems to me that you have a chip on your shoulder and need to loosen up or you might lose your marbles. This population of people you have come across at CigarSmokers are level headed human beings who are using this medium as a communication aid. Period.

    PS - I will not have a conversation with you if you don't conform to my requests.

  11. Default

    Fair enough. My grammar does suck indeed. But as long as my points were made I am satisfied.
    No chip on my shoulder,But sometimes I am thinking faster than I am writing and may sound aggressive. I would be the first person (when I am reading)to bitch about run on sentences. So I hear ya. Plus I feel even though the grammar might suck( mine or whoever) and if they are making points that can be understood, hopefully the information is useful even if you have to read it twice.
    There is no need to continue with this conversation anyway, for I feel it would be pointless.
    Thanks for the advice!

    See you on the other threads.
    Enjoy Life!
    BTW If anyone wants to continue on this thread feel free. If I read something that I feel I can contribute to I will.
    I will try to use better grammar. (as long as no one takes cheap shots at my posting skills )
    Anyway have fun!
    Last edited by DPB; 05-16-2007 at 04:43 PM.

  12. Default

    yes those darwin lovers...

    The end is here. or very soon

  13. Default

    The end is here. or very soon

  14. #94
    Join Date
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    Do you actually smoke cigars bg or do you have another agenda here?

  15. Default

    of course just here to...
    The end is here. or very soon

  16. #96
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    19 58.7N 75 49.4W


    Quote Originally Posted by bgmark2 View Post
    of course just here to...
    not for long, see ya.

  17. Default

    what cigars have you been sense of kind...
    The end is here. or very soon

  18. Default

    opps that was meant to be what cigars have you been sense of humour kind...
    The end is here. or very soon

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