I've often spoke to a few of my friends regarding shaving, and it never has been like this.
I'm 44 and since I was old enough to see my Grandfather shave (he is deceased) he always had a wooden bowl a badger brush and one sharp razor, I always would sit by him and watch this routine each morning during the summer, as he whisked up the cream with the brush and applied it to his wet face.
It wasn't until about 20 years ago, I was in a pharmacy where I saw a bowl and soap for shaving which brought back some pleasant memories. I purchased the kit and went home and shaved immediately, what a blast!
Since that day I have been using this system each morning with much pleasure, I did three years ago go onto a site and purchase a Merkur razor and the solingen blades, which are great.
I've purchased some good soaps as well and really enjoy the Almond fragrance.
The only problem I have seen is that after I apply the lather, it is quickly to dry and I did find that I have to do one side of my face than the next.
It is a great way to begin the morning and I look forward each day to my 15 minutes of alone time.